About Me

Hi, Glen Hall here.   Have you ever walked past that closet or attic in your home and thought ‘I just have to organize that place!’?  Well, this is my attempt to ‘organize’ and give ‘credit’ to info or people that have helped me => On-The-Job, Between-Jobs or at Home.  I am a Husband, Father, BBQ judge, Hoops Nut, Runner and the Wretch the song refers to.   Some content will be in the areas below, other stuff might come out of the blue.

  1. Priority/Goal Setting => Are you out of sync with your organization?  Create plans that align priorities (goal convergence) and energize your daily contribution.
  2. Conflict Management => Deal with and diffuse conflict AND get things done!
  3.  Managing ‘UP’  – Seeing the Big Picture => Do you ‘connect’ to your biz strategy each day?  Create synergy between your tasks and business VALUE!
  4. Team Building => Is your team like Santa or UPS?  Santa ONLY uses the Chimney, UPS asks everyone – “What can Brown do for you?”  If your team is not interacting like “Brown” you need to evaluate.
  5. Performance Review – Approaches/Methods =>  Is your annual Performance Review a Form Letter or a PERSONAL re-cap of business VALUE?   Tie how your team is measured through goal convergence.
  6. Culture Creation, Re-Set => If your organization’s culture were a drink would it make you Gag or Gulp?  Create culture employees want to drink.
  7. Succession Planning =>  Is your plan to look on the back of a milk carton or just plug-n-play?
  8.  Business Structure – Evaluation/Creation/Strategy => Is your team aligned to your Biz Strategy or do you have your finger in the dike?   Evaluate, align, coach-up your team and FIX the dike permanently!
  9. Customer Relationship Management => Is your Customer Interface Seamless or a Cavern of difficulty?  
  10. Skills & Achievement Strategic Analysis => Have you inventoried your skills and accomplishments?  (To be ready for a new industry, company or promotion)
  11. Advocate Development => Do you have anyone who is a ‘Raving Fan’ who you have never worked for or with?
I will post many ‘reference’ links with comments added and eventually some original material. But do not be surprised if I also offer some thoughts on ‘real’ BBQ, March Madness, Running or UK Basketball among other things. 
Learn more about Glen at: 

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